學科服務 » 商學: OA電子資源
由中國教育圖書進出口公司開發的Open Access一站式檢索服務平台,收錄OA期刊10,000餘種,收錄各學科文章1000萬篇以上。 |
ResearchGate is the professional network for scientists and researchers to share, discover, and discuss research. |
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Directory of Open Access Journals contains over 15 000 high quality, peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. |
It provides academic researchers with comprehensive, timely, and high-quality free reading scientific papers. It also serves as a publishing platform for open source papers, providing more high-quality papers with the first opportunity to publish. Free Access to 5,689,130 Academic Articles. |
SpringerLink是Springer的線上平台,提供Springer出版的電子資源,內容涵蓋圖書、期刊、參考工具書、實驗指南和其它資料庫。讀者可以免費訪問並下載該庫的開放獲取資源和限時內容。 |