學科服務 » 心理學: OA電子資源
A free English teaching website produced by BCC . The content covers four aspects: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It combines current affairs, technology, humanities, and has grammar and phrase introductions. All articles include MP3 audio files, PDF texts and simple questions and answers. |
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century This database consists of books in Western languages on China published during 18th to early 20th Century. It covers the subject areas of history, religion, international relations, language and literature, social life and so on. |
Class Central is a search engine and reviews site for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses. |
CNN TV station in the United States condenses the major news that occurs every day into ten minutes, and attaches a PDF file of the press release. Readers only need to spend ten minutes a day listening to English to improve their English skills and understand the international arteries. |
The DART-Europe E-theses Portal is a searchable database which provides access to over 1 million open access research theses from 566 Universities in 29 European countries. |
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) It brings digitized materials from libraries, archives, and museums around the United States together in a single platform and provides access to millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more. |
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Directory of Open Access Journals contains over 15 000 high quality, peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. |
With EBSCO Open Dissertations, institutions and students are offered an innovative approach to meeting these goals by driving additional traffic to ETDs in institutional repositories. The program is free for authors and participating institutions with the desired end of making significant open-access content more readily discoverable to end-users within and beyond academic institutions. |
Electronic Theses Online Service (EThos) It offers a 'single point of access' where researchers can access ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education. |
Hong Kong University Theses Online 涵蓋教育學、社會學、人文科學、藝術、醫學和自然科學,收錄自 1941 年( 1928 ~1941 的論文毀於 WWII ),部分全文。 |
It provides academic researchers with comprehensive, timely, and high-quality free reading scientific papers. It also serves as a publishing platform for open source papers, providing more high-quality papers with the first opportunity to publish. Free Access to 5,689,130 Academic Articles. |
SpringerLink是Springer的線上平台,提供Springer出版的電子資源,內容涵蓋圖書、期刊、參考工具書、實驗指南和其它資料庫。讀者可以免費訪問並下載該庫的開放獲取資源和限時內容。 |
“中外文核心期刊查詢系統”提供Web of Science(SCIE,SSCI,AHCI)、Ei Compendex、MEDLINE、中國科技期刊引證報告、中文核心期刊要目總覽、中文社會科學引文索引 (CSSCI)、中國科學引文資料庫核心庫(CSCD)等七種資料庫或評價體系中已收錄期刊的流覽、檢索、期刊影響因數連結等功能。系統主要功能除了查看期刊資訊外,還可以查看期刊投稿指南。 |
數據資源分爲期刊、論文、作者和機構四大類。期刊數據:收錄哲學社會科學領域精品學術期刊,如:《中國社會科學》、《法學研究》等; 論文數據:主要收錄正式發表的學術論文;作者數據:期刊、論文及其他文獻中涉及的作者資訊; 機構數據:彙集哲學社會科學領域主要研究機構的相關資訊。 |
港澳期刊網主要收錄在香港及澳門出版的中文及雙語期刊,內容方面以人文科學及社會科學爲主,引用的期刊超過三百種。大部份期刊之索引資料從一九八0年開始收載,但重要之學術期刊則從創刊號開始。 |
漢斯出版社聚焦於國際開源 (Open Access) 中文期刊的出版發行, 涵蓋數學物理、生命科學、化學材料、地球環境、醫藥衛生、工程技術、資訊通訊、人文社科、經濟管理等領域。所收錄期刊論文皆為開放資源,可免費下載閱讀。 |
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