學科服務 » 金融: OA電子資源
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Directory of Open Access Journals contains over 15 000 high quality, peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. |
Open Access Library provides academic researchers with comprehensive, timely, and high-quality free reading scientific papers. It also serves as a publishing platform for open source papers, providing more high-quality papers with the first opportunity to publish. Free Access to 5,689,130 Academic Articles. |
ResearchGate is the professional network for scientists and researchers to share, discover, and discuss research. |
由中國教育圖書進出口公司開發的Open Access一站式檢索服務平台,收錄OA期刊10,000餘種,收錄各學科文章1000萬篇以上。 |
SpringerLink是Springer的線上平台,提供Springer出版的電子資源,內容涵蓋圖書、期刊、參考工具書、實驗指南和其它資料庫。讀者可以免費訪問並下載該庫的開放獲取資源和限時內容。 |
World Bank Open Data provides free and open access to World Bank's development data around the globe, as well as a number of macro, financial and sector databases. |
澳門金融管理局負責建議及輔助中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區行政長官制定及施行貨幣、金融、外匯及保險政策; 根據規範貨幣、金融、外匯及保險活動的法規,指導、統籌及監察上述市場,確保其正常運作,並對該等市場的經營者進行監管; 監察貨幣的內部穩定及其對外的償還能力,以確保其可完全兌換性; 行使中央儲備庫職能及外匯與其他對外支付工具的管理人職能; 維持金融體系的穩定。 |