9 月
藝術設計: 外文核心期刊


African Arts  (Full Text: Apr 1990 (Vol. 23, no. 2) - Winter 2012 (Vol. 45, no. 4))

Archives of Asian Art (Full Text: 2010 (Vol. 60) - 2017 (Vol. 67, no. 2))

Ceramics, Art and Perception (Full Text: 2005 (no. 59) - present)

Apollo (Full Text: April 1, 2003 - Current)

Art Bulletin (Full Text: 03/01/1975 to present)

Art Journal (Full Text: 09/01/1974 to present)



CoDesign (Full Text: 03/01/2005 to present)

International Journal of Art & Design Education (Full Text: 02/01/2000 to present (with a 12 Month delay))

Journal of Design History (Full Text: 01/01/1992 to present)



International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology & Education (Full Text: 04/01/2008 to present)



Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

International Development Planning Review (Full Text: March 1, 2002 - Current)

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (Only OA available)

Journal of the American Planning Association (Full Text: 01/01/1990 to present)

Journal of Planning Literature

Planning Theory

Progress in Planning (Only OA available)

Journal of Planning Education and Research 

Planning Theory & Practice (Full Text: 09/01/2000 to present (with a 18 Month delay))



Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management (Full Text: December 1, 2014 - Current)

Landscape and Ecological Engineering (Full Text: May 2005 (Vol. 1, no. 1) - Nov 2018)

Landscape Research (Only OA available)

Building & Landscapes (Full Text: January 1, 2007 - Current)

Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes (Only OA available)



Journal of Urban Planning & Development (Full Text: 03/01/1995 to 03/01/2014)

International Journal of Urban & Regional Research (Full Text: 03/01/1978 to present (with a 12 Month delay))

Urban Design International (Full Text: Dec 2002 (Vol. 7, no. 3/4) - present (with a 12 month delay))

Journal of Urban Affairs (Full Text: 03/01/1996 to present)

Journal of Urban Technology (Full Text: 04/01/1998 to present)

Urban Research & Practice

International Journal of Urban Sciences (Only OA available)

European Urban and Regional Studies

Urban Studies



Journal of Planar Chromatography-Modern TLC (Full Text: December 1, 2012 - Current)



American Ceramic Society Bulletin (Full Text: 11/01/2001 to present)



Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (Only OA available)

Frontiers of Architectural Research (Open Access)

Architectural Engineering and Design Management (Full Text: 2008 (Vol. 4, no. 1) - 2013 (Vol. 9, no. 4))



Heritage Science (Open Access)



British Journal of Aesthetics (Full Text: 01/01/1982 to present)



Asian Music (Full Text: Fall 2002/2003 (Vol. 34, no. 1) - present (with a 12 month delay))

Contemporary Music Review (Full Text: 03/01/1999 to present (with a 18 Month delay))