1 月
藝術設計: 學科最新文章

Chan, K. H. (2024). Reconsidering the Meanings of "-Scape" in Soundscape. Art and Performance Letters, 5(2), 86-91.

宋美嬌,安舜 & 萬千. (2024). 基于文獻計量學的住宅設計評價研究現狀及發展趨勢分析. 家具與室內裝飾(06),75-81. doi:10.16771/j.cn43-1247/ts.2024.06.011.

任玉潔,陳瑞綺 & 韋子怡. (2024). 基于AHP-TOPSIS模型的青少年解壓玩具產品設計研究. 包裝工程(08),178-188. doi:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2024.08.020.

Yang, Y., Hsieh, C. M., & Wu, X. Y. (2024). How the urban morphology affects the suitable solar energy techniques and performance: A block-scale study based on the typological method in Macau. Solar Energy, 275, 112620.

Chen, Z., Zhou, L., Li, W., & Tang, B. M. (2024). Identification of Typhoon-Vulnerable Areas and Countermeasures in High-Density Coastal Cities: The Case of Macau. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 13(6), 205.

Zhang, R., Li, Y., Chen, T., & Zhou, L. (2024). Flood risk identification in high-density urban areas of Macau based on disaster scenario simulation. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 107, 104485.

Zhong, J., Li, B., Shen, G., & Zhou, L. (2024). Ally, deterrence, or leverage in the tripartite game? The effects of indirect stakeholders in historic urban regeneration. Cities, 149, 104931.

Wang, M., Yan, Y., Li, M., & Zhou, L. (2024). Differences in Emotional Preferences toward Urban Green Spaces among Various Cultural Groups in Macau and Their Influencing Factors. Land, 13(4), 414.

王伯勛 & 胡欣. (2024). KANO模型在VR家具購物中的應用——洞察設計決策. 家具與室內裝飾(04),74-79+9. doi:10.16771/j.cn43-1247/ts.2024.04.011.

Huang, E., Xing, Y., & Song, X. (2024). Emotional analysis of multiplayer online battle arena games addiction. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1347949.

Pan, C., Li, H., Wang, L., Wu, J., Lee, M., Xing, Y., & Liu, X. (2024). Catalyzing Urban Dynamics: Fostering Information Exchange, Encouraging Innovation, and Facilitating Knowledge Creation in the Macau Peninsula. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-54.

Wang, P., Li, K., & Zhang, W. (2024). China’s New Housing Security Model: Evaluation of the Job–Housing Balance in Affordable Rental Housing, Shanghai. Land, 13(7), 1034.

Zhang, X., & Han, H. (2024). Characteristics and factors influencing the expansion of urban construction land in China. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 16040.

Li, C., Su, X., Fan, C., & Han, H. (2024). Behavior-encoded models reveal differentiated access to public cooling environment by race and income. npj Urban Sustainability, 4(1), 19.

Mabrouk, M., Han, H., Mahran, M. G. N., Abdrabo, K. I., & Yousry, A. (2024). Revisiting Urban Resilience: A Systematic Review of Multiple-Scale Urban Form Indicators in Flood Resilience Assessment. Sustainability, 16(12), 5076.

Yan, X., Han, H., Su, X., & Fan, C. (2024). Data-driven anatomy of hierarchical migration patterns in the United States. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 130, 103825.

Lv, T., Hu, H., Han, H., Zhang, X., Fan, H., & Yan, K. (2024). Towards sustainability: The spatiotemporal patterns and influence mechanism of urban sprawl intensity in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. Habitat International, 148, 103089.

Zhang, X., Han, H., Dai, A., & Xie, Y. (2024). The Spatiotemporal Variation Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Green Vegetation in China. Forests, 15(4), 668.

Mabrouk, M., Han, H., Abdrabo, K. I., Mahran, M. G. N., AbouKorin, S. A. A., Nasrallah, S., ... & Hafez, H. M. (2024). Spatial congruency or discrepancy? Exploring the spatiotemporal dynamics of built-up expansion patterns and flood risk. Science of The Total Environment, 915, 170019.

Abdrabo, K. I., Mabrouk, M., Han, H., Saber, M., Kantoush, S. A., & Sumi, T. (2024). Mapping COVID-19's potential infection risk based on land use characteristics: A case study of commercial activities in two Egyptian cities. Heliyon, 10(2).

Kong, X., Han, H., Zhan, M., & Chi, F. (2024). The effects of the built environment on the mental health of older adults: A case study in Hangzhou, China. Innovation in Aging, 8(5), igae037.

Zhou, L., Kong, X., Shen, G., Li, Y., Zhu, H., Chen, T., ... & Liu, Y. (2023). Spatial-temporal impacts of landscape metrics and uses of land reclamation on coastal water conditions: The case of Macao. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110518.

Zhou, L., Li, Y., Cheng, J., Qin, Y., Shen, G., Li, B., ... & Li, S. (2023). Understanding the aesthetic perceptions and image impressions experienced by tourists walking along tourism trails through continuous cityscapes in Macau. Journal of Transport Geography, 112, 103703.

Liang, R., Xing, Y., & Hu, L. (2023). Enhancing Energy Efficiency by Improving Internet of Things Devices Security in Intelligent Buildings via Niche Genetic Algorithm-Based Control Technology. Applied Sciences, 13(19), 10717.

劉小歡 & 任玉潔. (2023). 基于SAPAD的肝癌護理服務系統設計研究. 工業設計(06),98-100. doi:CNKI:SUN:GYSH.0.2023-06-025.

梅文鳳 & 任玉潔. (2023). 基于服務設計的澳門公共醫療機構導視系統優化設計——以仁伯爵綜合醫院為例. 設計(19),61-66. doi:10.20055/j.cnki.1003-0069.001210.

Chen, Z., Xing, Y., Huang, G., & Li, J. (2023). Evaluation on Site Selection of Urban Renewal Projects from the Perspective of Space Benefit: Macau Special Administrative Region as an Example. Journal of Mathematics, 2023.

Lv, X., Huang, J. Y., Huang, W. Q., Yang, L. F., Zhang, Z. P., Liang, Y., ... & Wu, J. Z. (2023). Synthesis of a europium complex with ultrahigh quantum yield and its application as an invisible luminescent additive in pigments for preservation of cultural relics. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 156, 111275.

Liu, H., Li, B., Liu, Q., Li, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, X., ... & Zeng, S. (2023). What Do Local People Really Need from a Place? Defining Local Place Qualities with Assessment of Users’ Perceptions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1269.

王伯勛. (2023). 泰雅族織品紋樣特徵研究. 美術研究(01), 131-136. doi:10.13318/j.cnki.msyj.2023.01.021.

曾朝輝 & 王伯勛. (2023). 跨學科理論視閾下地域文化符號設計再造研究. 設計(10), 74-77. doi:10.20055/j.cnki.1003-0069.000669.

Xi, Z., Li, C., Zhou, L., Yang, H., & Burghardt, R. (2023). Built environment influences on urban climate resilience: Evidence from extreme heat events in Macau. Science of The Total Environment, 859, 160270.

薛亦清 & 邢亞龍. (2023). 基于服務設計的醫療建築空間綠色發展策略分析——以澳門科大醫院爲例. 城市建築(05), 204-209. doi:10.19892/j.cnki.csjz.2023.05.40.

黃永利 & 邢亞龍. (2023). 時裝設計中的民族基因認同與承續現象研究. 印染(02), 83-84. doi:CNKI:SUN:YIRA.0.2023-02-026.

張倩玲 & 邢亞龍. (2023). 面向獨居青年群體的療愈産品設計研究. 工業設計(01),46-48. doi:CNKI:SUN:GYSH.0.2023-01-025.

袁嘉浩 & 任玉潔. (2023). 服務設計思維下房屋租賃滿意度調查研究. 住宅產業(04), 79-82. doi:CNKI:SUN:ZZCY.0.2023-04-021.

王孟秋 & 任玉潔. (2022). 服務設計思維下服裝店消費者滿意度研究——以PEACEBIRD品牌為例. 山東紡織經濟(12), 24-29. doi:CNKI:SUN:SDFJ.0.2022-12-005.

武巍,周龍,劉鈺,黎斌 & 陳天. 應對城市熱島效應的公園系統布局及優化研究——以高密度城市澳門爲例. 復旦學報(自然科學版). doi:10.15943/j.cnki.fdxb-jns.20230222.001.

顏文濤,李子豪,菅天語,林峰田 & 謝俊民. (2022). 空氣環境健康導向下的老舊社區生態化更新:理論框架與案例實踐. 城市發展研究(01),121-132. doi:CNKI:SUN:CSFY.0.2022-01-015.

王孟秋 & 任玉潔. (2022). 服務設計思維下服裝店消費者滿意度研究——以PEACEBIRD品牌為例. 山東紡織經濟(12),24-29. doi:CNKI:SUN:SDFJ.0.2022-12-005.

任玉潔 & 石磊. (2022). 基于交叉學科的澳門高校設計學研究生教育研究. 藝術教育(11),192-195. doi:CNKI:SUN:YSJY.0.2022-11-047.

吳敬儀 & 王俞雅. (2022). 基于綠色改造視角下歷史建築保護更新策略——以拱北賓館爲例. 科學技術與工程(08),3236-3240. doi:CNKI:SUN:KXJS.0.2022-08-032.

Li, B., Yang, K., Axenov, K. E., Zhou, L., & Liu, H. (2022). Trade-Offs, Adaptation and Adaptive Governance of Urban Regeneration in Guangzhou, China (2009–2019). Land, 12(1), 139.

任玉潔. (2022). 設計思維賦能城市品牌形像創新. 中國建築工業出版社.

吳升臻,王伯勛,鄧銳,王晨鈺 & 潘晨. (2022). 影響自閉癥兒童社交行為的城市建成環境要素研究. 傢俱與室內裝飾(04), 92-96. doi:10.16771/j.cn43-1247/ts.2022.04.017.

Zhou, L., Li, S., Li, C., Shen, G., Yang, H., Zhu, P., ... & Li, B. (2022). Spatial congruency or mismatch? Analyzing the COVID-19 potential infection risk and urban density as businesses reopen. Cities, 123, 103615.

林海 & 任玉潔. (2022). 基于SD法的澳門高校學士學位服設計評價研究. 服裝設計師(05),126-133. doi:CNKI:SUN:FZKJ.0.2022-05-016.

Huang, W. Z., Hu, L. H., & Xing, Y. L. (2022). Sustainable Renewal Strategies for Older Communities from the Perspective of Living Experience. Sustainability, 14(5). doi:10.3390/su14052813

Wang, X. X., Shi, R. T., & Niu, F. R. (2022). Optimization of furniture configuration for residential living room spaces in quality elderly care communities in Macao. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 11(2), 357-373. doi:10.1016/j.foar.2021.11.002

邢亞龍. (2021). 造型設計與心理分析 = Shape design and psychological analysis. 中國建築工業出版社.

周峻嶺,王伯勛,陳靜敏 & 陳春娛. (2021). 環境設計專業職教師資人才培養體系構建與實踐. 現代職業教育(31),124-125. doi:CNKI:SUN:XDZJ.0.2021-31-059.

劉寬,王伯勛 & 周峻嶺. (2021). 高校教學空間與設計教學的衍生和共融關系研究. 傢俱與室內裝飾(10),126-128. doi:10.16771/j.cn43-1247/ts.2021.10.024.


Hsun, W. P., & Jie, G. Systematic creation of a city's visual communication: logo design based on the phoenix flower in Tainan City, Taiwan. Visual Communication, 18. doi:10.1177/1470357220917438

周峻嶺,王伯勛. (2020). 大數據下的城市規劃變遷——評《城市規劃大數據理論與方法》. 水利水電技術, 51(03), 195.

Zhou, J., Wang, P., & Xie, L. (2020). Research on Resource Allocation Optimization of Smart City Based on Big Data. IEEE Access, 8, 158852-158861.

Zhou, L., Shen, G., Li, C., Chen, T., Li, S., & Brown, R. (2021). Impacts of land covers on stormwater runoff and urban development: A land use and parcel based regression approach. Land Use Policy, 103. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105280

Zhou, L., Li, S., & Li, C. (2021). Visualising the dynamics of COVID-19 cases leading to inbound transmission in Hong Kong. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(2), 230-232.

任玉潔. (2020). 從藝術屬性、藝術接受、市場談藝術的產業化藝術與設計(11), 110-111. doi:10.16824/j.cnki.issn10082832.2020.11.028

Quan, S., & Li, C. (2020). Urban form and building energy use: a systematic review of measures, mechanisms, and methodologiesRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110662.

Li, C. S., Song, Y., Tian, L., & Ouyang, W. (2020). Urban Form, Air Quality, and Cardiorespiratory Mortality: A Path Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4), 14. doi:10.3390/ijerph17041202

李超驌 & 姚力豪. (2020). 基於疫情防控的城市規劃與管理策略北京規劃建設(04),14-18. doi:.

陳俊銘,李超驌. (2020). 外港填海新區:澳門濱海空間的城海關系研究. 北京規劃建設(03), 92-96.

邢亞龍. 文化符號視角下的澳門旅遊紀念品設計研究. 包裝工程. (網絡首發)