9 月
金融: 學科最新文章

Dong, L., Yu, B., Qin, Z., & Lam, K. S. K. (2024). Liquidity risk and expected returns in China’s stock market: A multidimensional liquidity approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 69, 102247-.

Omura, A., Cheung, A. (Wai K., & Su, J. J. (2024). Does natural gas volatility affect Bitcoin volatility? Evidence from the HAR-RV model. Applied Economics, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–12.

Wu, J., Pangarkar, N., Shi, X. H., Liu, Z. Y., & Wu, Z. F. (2024). Managing open innovation with science-based vs. market-based partners: board of directors as a contingency. Asian Business & Management

Yu, L. B., Tran, T. M., & Lee, W. S. (2023). Bridging the gap: Assessing the effects of railway infrastructure investments in Northwest China. China Economic Review, 82

Ling, Y., Satchell, S., & Yao, J. (2023). Decreasing returns to scale and skill in hedge funds. Journal of Banking and Finance, 156

Lee, W. S., Tran, T. M., & Yu, L. B. (2023). Green infrastructure and air pollution: Evidence from highways connecting two megacities in China. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 122.

Lin, Y. E., Jiang, X. T., Yu, B., & Lam, K. S. K. (2023). Compensation peer crash risks and corporate own investments: New evidences from U.S. stock markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 89

林曉曼 & 林德欽. (2023). 粵港澳大灣區城市綠色創新能力評估及時空特征研究. 當代經濟(12),75-83. 

牛怡蘇 & 吳澤福. (2023). ESG評級對上市商業銀行流動性風險的影響探究. 投資與創業(21),31-35. doi:CNKI:SUN:TZCY.0.2023-21-011.

王應貴,婁世艷 & 劉芷辰. (2023). 銀行監管、過度金融化與美國銀行業震蕩. 新金融(09),23-29. doi:CNKI:SUN:XJRO.0.2023-09-005.

李丹琪 & 吳澤福. (2023). 數字人民幣試點對地方財政可持續發展的影響——基于合成控制法和城市樣本的實證分析. 當代經濟(09),84-93.

Song, S., Cheung, A. W. K., Jun, A., & Ma, S. (2023). Mandatory CSR disclosure and CEO pay performance sensitivity in China: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. International Journal of Managerial Finance

Jiang, Y., & Lei, A. C. H. (2023). Security Analysts’ Site Visits and Stock Price Synchronicity. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments.

Zhou, Y. (2023). Influence of political movement on fields of study: Evidence from Hong Kong. European Journal of Political Economy, 102417. 

Khoo, J., & Cheung, A. (2023). The hidden cost of organisation capital: Evidence from trade credit. The British Accounting Review, 101238.

Khoo, J., & Cheung, A. (2023). Vintage capital and trade credit. Accounting and Finance

Zhao, Y., & Lin, D. (2023). Prediction of Micro- and Small-Sized Enterprise Default Risk Based on a Logistic Model: Evidence from a Bank of China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(5). 

Yan, W. L., & Cheung, A. W. K. (2023). The dynamic spillover effects of climate policy uncertainty and coal price on carbon price: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters, 53

Khoo, J., & Cheung, A. (2023). Does skilled labor risk matter to suppliers? Evidence from trade credit. Financial Review, 58(2), 423-447.

Zheng, C., Cheung, A., Zhang, J., & Haider, I. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and bank liquidity creation. Journal of Financial Research, 46(2), 343-382. 

胡坤,符正平 & 鄺婉樺. (2023). 社會資本參與農村公共服務基礎設施建設的困境及化解. 農業經濟(03),93-95. 

鄺婉樺 & 陳國雄. (2023). 粵港澳大灣區金融科技人才現狀與發展策略研究——基于409家企業問卷的實證分析. 上海商業(04),200-202. 

劉思宇,劉宗 & 王應貴. (2023). 人民幣外匯市場、增長趨勢與競爭策略. 中國貨幣市場(03),36-41. 

劉珺蓓 & 周泳宏. (2023). 貧富差距歧視與主觀幸福感. 產業經濟評論(02),91-115.

王應貴 & 劉芷辰. (2023). 日本政府養老投資基金資產配置和投資收益分析. 現代日本經濟(01),29-42. 

Yan, W.-L., & Cheung, A. (2023). The dynamic spillover effects of climate policy uncertainty and coal price on carbon price: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters, 53, 103400.

Zhou, Y., Zheng, X., & Yuan, Z. (2022). Trade liberalization and wages: Evidence from the closer economic partnership arrangement between mainland China and Hong Kong. Research in International Business and Finance, 61

Xie, D., & Zhou, Y. (2022). Religion effects on fertility preference: evidence from China. Journal of Population Research, 39(3), 341-371.

Chu, C. C., Su, X. F., Lin, Y. E., Omura, A., Li, B., & Cheung, A. W. K. (2022). Love thy neighbour: Evidence from capital structure decisions. Accounting and Finance

Yan, J., & Zhou, Y. (2022). Ancestral relatedness and visits between national leaders: Evidence from China†. Pacific Economic Review

Zhou, Y., Chen, W., & Lin, D. (2022). Design of Optimum Portfolio Scheme Based on Improved NSGA-II Algorithm. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022

王應貴,劉思宇 & 劉宗. (2022). 人工智能、機器學習與銀行業資管業務. 新金融(12),35-41. 

余玲錚 & 婁世艷. (2022). 生產線上的“性別紅利”:自動化升級與雇傭合同期限——來自廣東省“企業-工人”匹配調查的證據. 廣東社會科學(06),34-43.

梁惠雅,白天宇 & 朱文翰. (2022). 服務質量在經濟型酒店品牌升級中的重要性分析. 商業經濟(04),79-83+166. 

Lin, L., & Cheung, A. (2022). Cloud economy and its relationship with China’s economy—a capital market-based approach. Financial Innovation, 8(1), 50. doi:10.1186/s40854-022-00350-9

Khoo, J., & Cheung, A. (2022). Managerial ability and debt maturity. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 18(1). doi:10.1016/j.jcae.2021.100295

Jin, X. M., Mai, Y., & Cheung, A. W. K. (2022). Corporate financialization and fixed investment rate: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters, 48. doi:10.1016/j.frl.2022.102898

徐東鵬 & 林德欽. (2022). 跨國證券交易所合并對證券市場效率影響研究. 中國市場(03),3-4. doi:10.13939/j.cnki.zgsc.2022.03.003.

劉潔 & 林德欽. (2022). 家族信托在中國的發展現狀、問題和對策研究——基于法律視角. 商業經濟(04),174-175+178. doi:10.19905/j.cnki.syjj1982.2022.04.008.

賈曉斐,鄺婉樺 & 林立超. (2021). 金融科技與影子銀行業務關系——基于委托貸款的經驗數據研究. 技術經濟與管理研究(11),72-76. doi:CNKI:SUN:JXJG.0.2021-11-014.

徐東鵬 & 林德欽. (2021). 我國內地與香港股市風險預測研究. 合作經濟與科技(19),60-63. doi:10.13665/j.cnki.hzjjykj.2021.19.024.

Cheung, A., Hasan, M. M., & Khoo, J. (2021). Distracted institutional shareholders and corporate cash holdings. International Review of Economics & Finance, 71, 453-466. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2020.08.018

Wong, M., Wai Kong Cheung, A., & Hu, W. (2021). When two anomalies meet: Volume and timing effects on earnings announcements. Financial Review, 56(2), 355-380. doi:10.1111/fire.12255

Hasan, M. M., Cheung, A., Tunas, L., & Kot, H. W. (2021). Firm life cycle and trade credit. Financial Review. doi:10.1111/fire.12264

Khoo, J., & Cheung, A. W. K. (2021). Does geopolitical uncertainty affect corporate financing? Evidence from MIDAS regression. Global Finance Journal, 47. doi:10.1016/j.gfj.2020.100519

Lu, R., Cheung, A., Hoang, V. T., & Islam, S. M. N. (2021). Which measure of systematic risk should we use? An empirical study on systematical risk and Treynor measure using the economic index of riskiness and operational measure of riskiness. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(2), 1739-1744. doi:10.1002/ijfe.1875

王應貴, & 江齊明. (2021). 拜登政府的經濟政策與中美經貿關系展望. 亞太經濟(02), 47-54. 

吳珍妮, & 婁世艷. (2021). 融媒體時代下薪酬公平感對雙元媒體人的影響——自我效能感的中介作用. 重慶社會科學(05), 71-88

余玲錚, 婁世艷, 王建楠, & 魏下海. (2021). 城市的移民多樣性與創業選擇. 經濟科學(02), 135-147.