2 月
心理學: 學科最新文章

Liang, J. Y., Zhang, Y. C., Zhang, J. W., & Shen, H. Y. (2023). Jungian Analysis of the Chinese Mythological Image of Sun Wukong. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 68(4), 665-686. 

Tian, L. S., Wu, S. M., Duan, P. T., Chen, Y. Q., & Shen, H. Y. (2023). Typical Images of Animals in Dreams: Results From a Content Analysis. Dreaming, 33(1), 75-92. 

Wang, J. X., Feng, X. L., & Shen, H. Y. (2023). A Coding System for Correlations Between Waking-Life Experiences and Dreams. Dreaming. 

Liang, Q. R., Ye, J. R., Lu, Y. Y., Dong, J. J., Shen, H. Y., & Qiu, H. Z. (2023). Hotspots, trends, and advice: a 10-year visualization-based analysis of painting therapy from a scientometric perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 14

Xia, W., & Li, L. M. W. (2023). Societal gender role beliefs moderate the pattern of gender differences in public-and private-sphere pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 92, 102158.

Li, L. M. W., Xia, W., & Ito, K. (2023). Stereotypes of pro-environmental people: Perception of competence and warmth. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91, 102133.

Liu, H. X., Wang, T. Y., Bernardo, A. B. I., & Shen, H. Y. (2023). Cooperating with Different Types of Strangers: The Influence of Guanxi Perception, Trust, and Responsibility. Behavioral Sciences, 13(6). 

Tian, L. S., Wu, S. M., Duan, P. T., Chen, Y. Q., & Shen, H. Y. (2023). Typical Images of Animals in Dreams: Results From a Content Analysis. Dreaming, 33(1), 75-92. 3

鄭健松, 王逸雯, 許志斌, & 申荷永. (2022). 親社會行為傾向的年齡差異:共情關懷和人際信任的鏈式中介效應. 心理學探新, 42(02), 144-151. 

Shen, H. Y. (2022). Civilization within the heart: the image and meaning of 'civilization' and 'culture' in Chinese characters. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 67(1), 306-316. doi:10.1111/1468-5922.12762

Wang, J. X., Feng, X. L., & Shen, H. Y. (2022). A Presleep Consideration of an Intrusive Thought Enhances the Possibility of Dreaming of It. Dreaming, 32(1), 23-32. doi:10.1037/drm0000193

Guo, H., et al. (2022). Sleep Quality Partially Mediate the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Function in Older Chinese: A Longitudinal Study Across 10 Years. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, 785-799.

Yin, F., et al. (2022). A comparative study of death anxiety and death attitudes in Han and Tibetan ethnic groups. Death Studies 46(5): 1196-1205.

Liang, J. Y., Zhang, Y. C., Guo, R. T., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). A Jungian Analysis of the Chinese Kitchen God Image. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. doi:10.1177/00221678211020856

Gao, C., & Shen, H. (2021). Study of the Images and Contents in Typical Dreams of Heart Transplant Recipients. Dreaming, 31(4), 320-328. doi:10.1037/drm0000183

Wang, T. Y., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2021). Exploring Chinese people's attitudes towards "going through the backdoor". Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 15, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/1834490921993291.

Liu, Y. Y., Li, K., Bin, T., Tan, J. F., Wang, Z. D., Wang, J. X., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). Psychological symptoms and the use of shadow miniatures in sandplay therapy. Arts in Psychotherapy, 75. doi:10.1016/j.aip.2021.101834

Wang, J. X., Feng, X. L., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). Evidence for Preferentially Dreaming of Waking-Life Experiences That Are Relevant to One's Life Story. Dreaming, 31(3), 262-271. doi:10.1037/drm0000181

Wang, J. X., He, J. Y., Bin, T., Ma, H. Y., Wan, J., Li, X. Q., . . . Shen, H. Y. (2021). A Paradigm for Matching Waking Events Into Dream Reports. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.702950

Xiong, L. J., Zhong, B. L., Cao, X. J., Xiong, H. G., Huang, M., Ding, J., . . . Hu, Y. (2021). Possible posttraumatic stress disorder in Chinese frontline healthcare workers who survived COVID-19 6 months after the COVID-19 outbreak: prevalence, correlates, and symptoms. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1). doi:10.1038/s41398-021-01503-7

Zhang, W. Z., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). The philosophy of the Yijing and Jungian analytical psychology: a comparative study. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66(4), 969-990. doi:10.1111/1468-5922.12714

李潔, 趙雨菡, 高嵐, 申荷永 & 董圣鴻. (2021). 依戀取向的親子沙盤游戲治療個案研究:以一例活躍退縮幼兒為例. 中國臨床心理學雜誌(04), 862-868+886.

Carter, L., Schmitt, A., Wahba, L. L., Shen, H. Y., Wimmer, R., Michan, P., . . . Zabriskie, B. (2021). Jungian socioanalysis, social dreaming and the emerging complexity of Europe(1). Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66(2), 345-361. doi:10.1111/1468-5922.12666

Liang, J. Y., Zhang, Y. C., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). Review and Prospect of the Research on Occupational Health Psychology of Casino Employees. Journal of Gambling Studies. doi:10.1007/s10899-021-10017-2

Guo, H., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). Media Exposure to COVID-19 Epidemic and Threatening Dream Frequency: A Moderated Mediation Model of Anxiety and Coping Efficacy. Dreaming, 31(1), 1-19. doi:10.1037/drm0000159

Wang, J. X., Zemmelman, S. E., Hong, D. P., Feng, X. L., & Shen, H. Y. (2021). Does COVID-19 impact the frequency of threatening events in dreams? An exploration of pandemic dreaming in light of contemporary dream theories. Consciousness and Cognition, 87. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2020.103051

Wang, J., Li, X., He, J., Ma, H., Bin, T., Wan, J., . . . Shen, H. (2021). Integration of waking experience through dreams considered in light of individual differences in implicit learning ability. Journal of Sleep Research, 30(3). doi:10.1111/jsr.13171

Liu, H. X., Wang, T. Y., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2021). Is guanxi belief predicted by system-justifying ideologies? Exploring the relationship of guanxi belief with meritocratic ideology, social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism (Son las ideologias justificativas del sistema predictoras de la creencia en el guanxi? Exploramos la relacion de la practica guanxi con la ideologia meritocratica, la orientacion a la dominacion social y el autoritarismo de derecha). International Journal of Social Psychology, 36(2), 241-264. doi:10.1080/02134748.2021.1882226

Wang, T. Y., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2021). Exploring Chinese people's attitudes towards "going through the backdoor". Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 15, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/1834490921993291

He, Y., Yin, F., He, Y. Q., Shen, H. Y., Ip, K. P., & Zhang, J. W. (2020). A comparative study of death metaphors in Han and Tibetan ethnic groups. Death Studies. doi:10.1080/07481187.2020.1839819

Yu, C., & Shen, H. (2020). Bizarreness of Lucid and Non-lucid Dream: Effects of Metacognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02946

Wang, J., He, J., Bin, T., Ma, H., Wan, J., Li, X., . . . Shen, H. (2020). A Paradigm for Matching Waking Events Into Dream Reports. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01430

Wang, J., Feng, X., Bin, T., Ma, H., & Shen, H. (2020). Assessing the dream-lag effect among participants with different intuition score measured by the myers-briggs type indicator. Dreaming, 30(3), 267-277. doi:10.1037/drm0000147

Zhao, C., Wang, J., Feng, X., & Shen, H. (2020). Relationship Between Personality Types in MBTI and Dream Structure Variables. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01589

Guo, R., Zhang, Y., & Shen, H. (2020). Psychological significance of Chinese myth of Yi: Signing and symbolizing, cultural and personal. Culture and Psychology, 26(2), 234-252. doi:10.1177/1354067X19871198

牛政凱, & 蔡成后. (2020). 分析心理學在中國:發展歷程及本土改造. 西北師大學報(社會科學版), 57(06), 135-144. 

周曼麗, & 申荷永. (2020a). 信息科學視野中的精神分析探究. 科教文匯(下旬刊)(07), 175-176. 

宣峰, & 申荷永. (2020). 析夢牡丹亭——論杜麗娘的阿尼姆斯及其發展. 文化創新比較研究, 4(21), 86-88. 

周曼麗, & 申荷永. (2020). 精神分析在新時代的適應與文學融合. Paper presented at the 2020年課堂教學教育改革專題研討會, 中國北京.