2 月
社會工作: 學科最新文章

胡杰容. (2023). 社會工作者工作滿意度影響機制研究——專業效能和個人成就感的鏈式中介效應. 都市社會工作研究(2), 141-160+188-189.

李柯漾 & 張東航. (2024). 推拉理論視域下澳門長者中心老年人孤獨感的機理研究. 西北人口.

楊潔 & 邵艷菊. (2023). 變革與轉型:回歸以來澳門高等教育的學科變遷歷程與啟發. 黑龍江高教研究(08),68-73.

Tang, N., Zhang, D. H., Sun, F., & Leung, C. T. L. (2023). 'Brick' or 'Bridge'? - The roles and functions of Chinese social workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Social Work

胡杰容. (2023). 澳門安老政策的嬗變——去家庭化的視角. 澳門研究, 106(1), 96-107.

胡杰容. (2022). 政府與家庭關系視角下的澳門老年福利政策. 港澳研究(04), 66-76+96. 

Shao, Y. J. (2022). Pursuing doctoral studies in Macau's private universities: pragmatic motivations and challenging experiences of Guangdong college teachers. Asian Education and Development Studies, 11(1), 69-81. doi:10.1108/aeds-09-2019-0144

楊潔 & 邵艷菊. (2022). 孤獨的前行者:高校初階女教師的職業發展困境與身份建構. 教育學術月刊(03),97-103. 

張東航 & 黃日英. (2022). 個案家庭服務:讓失控的愛回歸正常. 中國社會工作(04),19-20. 

Choy, R. Y. L. (2021b). Knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) study on advance directive in elderly citizens in Macao. Paper presented at the Examining End-of-Life Care in Macao through Advance Directive, Macao.

Choy, R. Y. L. (2021c). Macau: From fishing village to world gaming city. In P. P. D. S. Y. L. F.J. Leandro (Ed.), China and Portuguese-speaking small island states – From sporadic bilateral exchanges to a comprehensive multilateral platform (pp. 159-177). Macao: City University of Macau.

Choy, R. Y. L. (2021d). The mental health of elderly in Hong Kong: implications for Macao. Paper presented at the The mental health of elderly in the community: mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, Macao. 

Choy, R. Y. L. (2020). A tale of two cities – a comparative study of the policies and social welfare services for the elderly in Hong Kong and Macao. Paper presented at the Ageing with health and dignity: implications for public policy, service delivery, workforce, technology and financing,, Hong Kong. 

Li, Y., & Choy, R. Y. L. (2020). The influence of attachment on subjective well-being of elderly couples – the mediating effect of emotion regulation strategies. Paper presented at the Ageing with health and dignity: implications for public policy, service delivery, workforce, technology and financing, Hong Kong.

Sterrett-Hong, E. M., Birkett, M., Kuhns, L., Zhang, D., & Mustanski, B. (2020). The Impact of Closeness to Non-Parental Adults in Social Networks on Substance Use among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men. Journal of Homosexuality, 1-18. doi:10.1080/00918369.2019.1705670