
Hello Freshman - 2023 Library Orientation Events



I. CityU Library, Where Your Reading Journey Begins

 How To Participate 
Loan an item and follow CityU library official WeChat account "CityuLIB" to earn a special gift
*Freshmen who have not yet recieved student id card can approach circulation counter to borrow items with student id number.

1st - 30th September 2023 

Library (Taipa Campus)
Graduate Library & Information Services (Golden Dragon Centre Campus)
Library & Information Services (Royal Centre Campus)


II. A Letter to Your Future Self

Write a letter to your future self to be opened and read on your graduation day.

 How To Participate 
Please claim envelope and letter at the event venue and hand over the written letter to circulation counter for special gifts. And most importantly, remember to head over to the post box and mail your letter.

1st September 2023 - 31st October 2023

CityU Library BookCrossing Zone (Taipa Campus)


III. Reading Out Loud - Recitation Party

 How To Participate 
Recite a piece of work of any genre. The time duration should not be more than 5 minutes. Please send the work to by 11th October.

15:00-17:30, 18th October 2023

Student Activity Area (SAC-A203), Multimedia Room


IV. Library Training Course

Introduce library resources, facilities and services. 4 courses in total and students can choose to attend online or in-person lectures.

13th September, 20th September, 27th September, 11th October


Discussion Room 1, Library (Taipa Campus)

 Online Participation 
Teams Meeting (ID: 419 506 704 389; Passcode: Uf7fvL)


V. Entrance to Your Major——Book Exhibition

Well-selected books of tourism, humanities, economics, finance, big data, education and more are exhibited at library.

1st September 2023 - 31 October 2023

Library (Taipa Campus)


VI. Understanding Library Services and Databases

Subject librarian will offer training courses that highlight key databases, provide research tips and search strategies, introduce research management and analysis tools such as EndNote, CiteSpace as well as Turnitin, a plagiarism-checking system.

September - November 2023

Instruction will be integrated to faculty's courses