
Free resources (Continuously updated)


1. The Commercial Press

Introduction: The Commercial Press is the oldest publishing organization in the Chinese publishing industry.

Free content: Open more than 1,300 kinds of e-book resources for free.

Website:  or download the "Commercial Press" APP to read it. (After registration, select a book, click "eBook", select "join the library free", and click the "green book" icon under "My" to finds the book you selected for reading) 


Introduction:This database = Taiwan Science Journal Database, Taiwan Science Dissertation Database, Taiwan Humanitites and Social Sciences Journal Database, Taiwan Humanities and Social Sciences Dissertation Library, containing more than 520,000 academic documents and university degree thesis of more than 50 univeristies.


ID:alcnecn,Password:alcnecn2020,free access until 30 March


Introduction:TWB臺灣學術書數據庫 (TWB Taiwan Academic Book Database) is the first full-disciplinary Taiwan academic book database approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication. It contains academic works, government reports, academic conference papers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and other regions. Monographs, local chronicles, historical materials and other important academic documents related to Taiwan studies and Hong Kong and Macao studies are also included in this database. TWB e-books cover education, law, cultural creation, linguistics, literature, philosophy, applied science, social science, religion, world historical sites, Chinese historical sites, art, science, gender studies, geographical studies, regional studies, medicine, etc.


ID:itcn_sh   Password:cnok666

4、Frontiers Journals

Introduction: Administered by the Ministry of Education, sponsored and published by the Higher Education Press, and published overseas by the German Springer company, Frontiers Journals are series of English academic journals covering fields in sciences, life sciences, humanities and social sciencesm, etc. There are 31 academic journals in Frontiers Jounals Database which aims at providing the latest academic achievements and development trends in various research fields, and reflecting major scientific achievements in a timely manner.


ID: Frontiers ,Password: Frontiers2020 , free access until 7 April (TBC)

5、Information Literacy Tutorials Database for Higher Educations (Media Database)

Introduction:The course covers hundreds of training courses in nine modules of theory, technology, resources, systems, tools, academics, skills, scenes, and thinking. Each idea or knowledge is delivered in  2-5 minute talk. This database can be regarded as an upgraded version of the "Document Retrieval" or "Information Retrieval" courses in colleges and universities.


6、Video Library Weekly Magazine


7、Video Library


8、Science Press Database

Science Reading:

China Species Library:

Science Think Tank:

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