
Database Online Training Schedule - March



In order to assist teachers and students in scientific research and be familiar with subscribed databases, we arranges online training courses for databases.

In March, database online trainings include EBSCO, Scopus, Gale, ProQuest, Wanfang and EndNote. The course detail is as follows:


1. EBSCO Online Training 

EBSCO is currently one of the world's largest companies providing academic documentation services, and has developed more than 300 online documentation databases with multi-disciplinary fields such as natural science, social science, biomedicine, humanities and arts.   

Course Overview:

Online training, learning and exchanging ideas, direct login and no plug-in required.  46 courses in total   

Date and Time:

For details, please refer to the website schedule



2. Scopus Online Training


Scopus is the world's largest database of peer review research literature abstracts and citations, including scientific journals, books, and meeting records. Through learning,Readers can quickly master Scopus query and tracking functions, as well as the use of metrics.

Course Overview:      

Introduce Scopus searching and tracking functions and the use of metrics through video tutorials. 9 tutorials in total

Date and time: Anytime



3. Gale Database Online Training

(1) Business Insights:Global
Business Insights: Global detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. It have thousands of company histories and industry essays from Gale's core business collection. In addition to case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies.

(2) Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Collection
Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure Collection provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.

Course Overview

Introduce the use of Business Insights: Global and Hospitality, tourism & Leisure Collection through video tutorials.  11 tutorials in  total

Date and time: anytime


4. ProQuest Online Training


(1) ProQuest CBCA
It is the most comprehensive and diverse full-text online database in Canada, combining the contents of three key databases: CBCA Business, CBCA Education and CBCA Reference and Current Events. CBCA database provides index for more than 1,800 publications, while 700 of which offer full text.


(2) ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels. Covering more than 160 subject areas, ProQuest Central is the largest aggregated database of periodical content.


(3) ProQuest Dissertations & Theses PQDT
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses PQDT is a searchable database of over one million citations of dissertations and theses in the humanities and social sciences, from around the world. Access to the database includes full-text access to most dissertations added since 1997, as well as author-written abstracts for dissertations published since July 1980.

Course Overview: 
Enter the course on time after registration. Courses includeProQuest CBCA, ProQuest Central and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses PQDT. 19 courses in total

Date and time:
For details, please refer to the website schedule



5. Wanfang Database Online Training


(1) WanFang: Dissertations of China is very valuable to obtain in-depth knowledge of research activities by graduate students and their advisors. It includes Master's theses, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral dissertations from Chinese research institutions from 1980 onward.

(2) WanFang: China Online Journals provides access to 8,101 journals published in China, including 39.7 million full-text articles (as of April 2018) of all subjects. Its high-quality full-text records display extensive article-related information.

(3) WanFang Video Database provides a collection of academic video in Chinese language, covering the humanities, business, medicine and technology of China, contents including the development of mainland's humanities, history, science and technology.

Course Overview
QQ live streaming; introduce the use of Wanfang database, including Wanfang Dissertation, Wanfang Academic Journal and Wanfang Video. 

Date and time
25 March   17:00-17:40



6. EndNote Online Training

EndNote is a bibliographic management software that can help improve the efficiency of the entire process from document collection, management to final paper writing. It can aggregate the information collected from various document channels such as library catalogues, journals, databases, the Internet, etc. for document classification management, and connect bibliography, full text, charts, personal reading notes and other related files. This powerful software also combines with paper writing, simplifying the process of citing and writing references with different format.

Course Overview
Introduce EndNote's basic functions and features, and explain in detail how to collect and manage documents, set reference formats, and improve the writing of papers effectiveness. 4 courses in total

Date and time
For details, please refer to the website schedule
