
EBSCO As Your Research Assistance - Easy Way to Conduct Literature Search and Use English Database



Macau Academic Library Alliance (MALA) Online Lecture Series-Let EBSCO be your academic helper-easily search and use foreign language database resources


Date: 20th Mar 2020, Friday

Time: 15:00-16:30


Targets: All teachers and students

Lecturer: EBSCO Senior Education and Training Lecturer Shi Hongming

Quota: 300 (Limited quota, first come first served)


Course Outline:

(I) Database background and introduction of high-quality journal resources

(II) How can EBSCO database help your academic research?

  1. Thesis proposal and article submission

  2. How to find literature——Techniques of advance search

  3. How to read literature efficiently-introduction of tools such as text-to-speech software and citation information

  4. How to store and share documents-the creation and use of folder

  5. How to check article submission guidelines-finding journal information and conducting searches

(III) Accumulation of personal knowledge

  1. Understand the latest scientific research progress in the industry

  2. Regularly read journals of personal interest

  3. Master English vocabulary of disciplines by using audio-assisted reading,

(IV) Q & A: What instructions can the EBSCO training course provide us?

  1. Tips to help you improve search efficiency

  2. English literature so easy: listen literature on aduio and read translation

  3. Easily create personal folder and search articles for long-term storage

  4. Set an article reminder and never miss an interested piece of content


For identification and statistics, please use the following name when entering the cloud classroom:

Teacher: College Abbreviation-Facaulty-Name-T

Student: College Abbreviation-Faculty-Name-S


For example: "CITYU-FOB-Chen Dawen-S"