
Database Online Training Schedule-April (1)



The database online trainings in April include Endnote、OCED、WTO-ilibrary、Britannica Academic、Oxford English Dictionary、Gale、Scopus、CNKI. Course detail is listed as follows and we look forward to your participation.


1、A Guide to Endnote X9

EndNote description:

EndNote is a tool that allows you to collect bibliographic references in a library, organize and manage those references, and ultimately put them in the body of a paper and in a reference list in a desired citation format.

Time and date:01 April 15:00-16:00(1st course)    03 April 19:00-20:00(2nd course)   15 April 17:00-18:20(3rd course)      15 April 19:00-20:00  (4th course)      20 April 14:30-16:00 (5th course)      20 April 16:30-17:30  (6th course)

Training website:



2、OECD and WTO ilibrary Online Training

Database description:

OECD iLibray is the global knowledge base for data and analysis of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It contains all books and papers published since 1998 – as well as a vast collection of statistics, with data going back to the early 1960s and more than 80 countries are covered. 

WTO iLibrary is the comprehensive global search, discovery and dissemination platform for digital content created by the World Trade Organization (WTO). It brings together all of the WTO's key research material on global trade into one self contained database, offering a wide range of knowledge to researchers, librarians, lawyers, trade specialists, and policy makers.

Time and date:01 April 16:00-17:00

Training website:



3、Britannica Academic Training

Database description:

Britannica Online mainly includes 4 Encyclopedias; namely, Encyclopedia Britannica, Britannica Student Encyclopedia, Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia and Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. All entries are written by well-known scholars and experts in various fields in the world, and can search up to 98,000 entries.

Date and time:02 April 11:00-12:00

Training website:



4、Oxford English Dictionary - User Guide and Search Techniques

Database description:

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) covers the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million English words from the past and the present. The usage of words is traced through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources.

Date and Time:03 April 11:00-12:00

Training website:



5、Using Gale Database to Conduct Academic Research

Database description:

(1) Business Insights:Global

Business Insights: Global detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. It have thousands of company histories and industry essays from Gale's core business collection. In addition to case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies.

(2) Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure Collection 

Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure Collection provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. The database offers current and relevant content that provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.

Date and time:08 April 17:00-18:00

Training website



6、How to Make Research Easier with Scopus

Database description:

Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation database covering peer-reviewed research literature, trade journals, books, patent records, and conference publications across various research areas. 

Date and time:09 April 17:00-18:00

Training website:



7、Emerald Database Online Training

Database description:

Subscribed collections include Emerald Management 120; Accounting, Finance and Economics; Business, Management and Strategy; Education; HR, Learning and Organization Studies; Marketing. Emerald Management 120 contains 120 full text, peer-reviewed journals with a focus on Business and Management.

Date and time:14 April 17:00-18:00

Training website:



8、Search Efficiently with CNKI and Discover Literature Value

Database description:

The subscribed databases of CNKI are CNKI: China Journals Full-text Database, CNKI: China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database, CNKI: China Proceedings of Conferences Full-text Database, CNKI: International Proceedings of Conference Full-text Database and CNKI: China Core Newspapers Full-text Database. 

Date and time:16 April 17:00-18:00

Training website:



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