
Database Online Training Schedule-April (2)



The database online trainings in April include ProQuest and Wanfang (萬方). Course detail is listed as follows and we look forward to your participation.

1、Get Inspired and Be satisfied with Your Research——ProQuest Online Training

Database description:

ProQuest databases provides a single source for scholarly journals, newspapers, reports, working papers, and datasets along with millions of pages of digitized historical primary sources and more than 450,000 ebooks. It covers a wide range of fields such as business, economics, humanits and social sciences, medicine, life sciences, environmental sciences, computer sciences, etc.

Date and time:23 April 15:00-16:30

Training website:



2、An Introduction to Wanfang Database 

Database description:

 (1) WanFang: Dissertations of China is very valuable to obtain in-depth knowledge of research activities by graduate students and their advisors. It includes Master's theses, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral dissertations from Chinese research institutions from 1980 onward.

 (2) WanFang: China Online Journals provides access to 8,101 journals published in China, including 39.7 million full-text articles (as of April 2018) of all subjects. Its high-quality full-text records display extensive article-related information.

 (3) WanFang Video Database provides a collection of academic video in Chinese language, covering the humanities, business, medicine and technology of China, contents including the development of mainland's humanities, history, science and technology. 

Date and time:28 April 15:00-16:30

Training website:



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