
Database Online Training Schedule-May



The database online trainings in May include Harvard Business Review Chinese Journal and Media Database and Derwent Innovation. Course detail is listed as follows and we look forward to your participation. 


1、Harvard Business Review (Chinese ver.) and Media Database Training

Database description:

-  Harvard Business Review Chinese Version Database (哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版資料庫) is a full-text database of periodicals. The database coveres articles that "Harvard Business Review"- Chinese version has published so far and it is updated monthly. It also includes 800 classic articles from the "Harvard Business Review Selection" series.

-  Harvard Business Review Chinese Version Media Library (哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版影音庫) contains more than 200 speeches or dialogues from masters of different fields and provide extended reading of related topics. 

Date and time:05 May 17:00-18:00

Online training website:



2、Derwent Innovations Index Database Training

Database description

Derwent Innovation (DI) is a market-leading patent research and analytics platform delivering access to globally trusted patents and scientific literature. Its enhanced content, proprietary search and data intelligence technology helps a global community of more than 40,000 innovators and legal professionals find answers to complex questions

Date and time26 May 15:00-16:00

Online training website
