
Check out databases that can be assessed from off-campus without using VPN (2)


As the new semester begins,



Web of Science,

Journal Citation Report(JCR),

Essential Science Indicators(ESI),


can be access from off-campus directly without using VPN.

Let's check it out!



  (I) CNKI Off-campus Access 

1. Access Link:

2. Enter“澳門城市大學”in the search bar and click“前往”.


3. In the authentication page, enter student/staff ID and password.(Same password as the university email password; default: ID number).


4. After login, you can access CNKI from off-campus without using VPN.



  (II) Emerald Off-campus Access  

1. Access Link:

2. In the authentication page, enter student/staff ID and password.(Same password as the university email password; default: ID number).


3. After login, you can access Emerald from off-campus without using VPN.



  (III) Web of Science Off-campus Access  

1. Access Link:

2. In the authentication page, enter student/staff ID and password.(Same password as the university email password; default: ID number).


3. After login, you can access WOS from off-campus without using VPN.



  (IV) Journal Citation Report (JCR) Off-campus Access  

1. Access Link:

2. In the authentication page, enter student/staff ID and password.(Same password as the university email password; default: ID number).


3. After login, you can access JCR from off-campus without using VPN.



  (V) Essential Science Indicator (ESI) Off-campus Access  

1. Access Link:

2. In the authentication page, enter student/staff ID and password.(Same password as the university email password; default: ID number).


3. After login, you can access ESI from off-campus without using VPN.



  (VI) InCites Off-campus Access  

1. Access Link:

2. In the authentication page, enter student/staff ID and password.(Same password as the university email password; default: ID number).


3.  Please register an email address if you do not have a personal account.


4. Once registration is complete, you can access InCites from off-campus without using VPN.


*WOS、JCR、ESI、InCites are in the same interface。Once login, you can switch from one database to another. Please note that registration is required to use InCites.


Learn more about the off-campus access to Wanfang、EBSCO、Gale、ProQuest、Scopus、Scival、ScienceDirect