
Subject Service » Law: Subscribed Databases

Academic OneFile

With extensive coverage across multiple subject areas, Academic OneFile provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals (more than 8,000 in full text) and multimedia resources such as videos and podcasts from authoritative sources. It also includes major reference sets.


Academic Search Ultimate

Academic Search Ultimate offers thousands of English-language and native-language full-text journals from Asia, Oceania, Europe and Latin America. The combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, women’s studies, zoology and more.


Archives Direct

The collection makes available extensive coverage of British Foreign Office files dealing with Japan between 1919 and 1952.(1)Japanese Imperialism and the War in the Pacific, 1931-1945; (2)Occupation of Japan, 1946-1952; (3)Japan and Great Power Status, 1919-1930.


Archives Unbound

Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents. A multi-disciplinary resource, collections cover a broad range of topics, including global affairs, international relations, colonial studies, Asian studies, Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, Law, Politics, and Radical Studies, Business and Economic History, etc.


Bookworld 書世界

Contains 130,000 volumes of high-definition, pure-text e-books that have been exclusively licensed by the publishing houses in the past 3-5 years. It cover various subject areas and provides a lot of important reference materials for teaching and work of universities and research institutions.



Funded and constructed by the government, China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL) is a digital platform that includes over 2.74 million digital copies, including ancient texts, books in foreign languages, works in the republican era, multimedia resources, etc.

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China Dissertations Database (WanFang)

China Dissertations Database (WanFang) offers full-text dissertations of China from 1980 which are collected from higher education institutions or scientific research institutions, with an annual increase of 300,000 articles. The content covers science, industrial technology, humanities, social science, medicine and health, agricultural science, transportation, aerospace, environmental science and other disciplines.


China Online Journals (WanFang)

China Online Journals (WanFang) provides access over 8,000 journals published in China, with an annual increase of 300,000 articles. Subjects cover natural sciences, engineering technology, medicine and health, agricultural sciences, philosophy, politics and law, social sciences, science, education, literature and more.



There are 910,000 volumes of books in Chinamaxx which are selected for the overseas readers in particular. Although this database doesn’t update anymore, it has precious academic resources, including some out-of-print books, which are very valuable for doing research.


Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS)

CEPS provides online access to over 1,500 journals in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, applied sciences as well as life science and medicine. Full-text articles are available to most journals.


Chinese Electronic Theses & Dissertations Service (CETD)

CETD is the source of thesis and dissertations from major universities in Taiwan.


CNKI: China Academic Journals Full-text Database – CJFD

China Academic Journals Full-text Database – CJFD is the largest academic journal full-text database in the world which collects over 8,520 kinds of academic journals published in China. It contains more than 57 million full-text articles while some can be dating back to 1915. The content covers natural science, engineering and technology, agriculture, philosophy, medicine, social science and so on.


CNKI: China Core Newspapers Full-text Database – CCND

China Core Newspapers Full-text Database – CCND is the first full-text database of newspapers in China that is continuously updated with academic and informative newspaper literature. The newspaper database annually records and continuously updates more than 650 important party newspapers, industry newspapers and comprehensive newspapers at all levels and has accumulated more than 20 million newspaper full-text literature since 2000.


CNKI: China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database – CDFD

China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database – CDFD is the most comprehensive and practical doctoral dissertations full-text database in China, with the highest quality and the shorted publication cycle. It covers a wide range of subjects, such as fundamental science, engineering technology, agriculture, medical science, philosophy, humanity and social science. At present, there are more than 20,000 doctoral dissertations from over 500 training institutions.


CNKI: China Master’s Theses Full-text Database – CMFD

China Master’s Theses Full-text Database – CMFD is the most comprehensive and practical masters'theses full-text database in China, with the highest quality and the shorted publication cycle. It covers a wide range of subjects, such as fundamental science, engineering technology, agriculture, medical science, philosophy, humanity and social science. At present, it has collected 4.5 million excellent master's degree theses from more than 780 training affiliations.


CNKI: China Proceedings of Conferences Full-text Database – ...

China Proceedings of Conferences Full-text Database – CPCD mainly includes the documents published at the important conferences held by the Chinese association for science and technology, the federation of social sciences and the associations, universities, scientific research institutions and government agencies at or above the provincial level since 1999. Among them, more than 80% of the national conference literature, part of the important conference papers held back to 1953. At present, it has collected and published 30,000 papers submitted to major domestic conferences, and accumulated a total of 2.5 million papers.


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