
Information Retrieval Contest - Answer Reveal!


Thank you for participating in the Information Retrieval Contest. Through this contest, we hope readers can make effective use of electronic resources and acquire the skills of retrieving articles, furthering their studies and academic research.


A notification email will be sent to each winner. Please approach circulation counter of CityU Library with your student ID to collect the awards. We are sharing full questions and answers here for your reference.


1. Please conduct a search about ‘澳門歷史文化遺產 (cultural heritage of Macau)’ from 2015 to 2019 via ‘Discovery’ on library website. How many results are there? (B. 21-30)

How to search:

(1) Run a search of ‘澳門歷史文化遺產 (cultural heritage of Macau)’ through ‘Discovery’ on library website

(2) Refine the results by limiting publication date from 2015 to 2019


2. Which faculty preserves the highest no. in electronic theses in CityU Theses & Dissertations? (C. 商學院Faculty of Business)

How to search:

Click “CityU Theses & Dissertations” on library website and you can find the no. of electronic theses preserved by each faculty.


3. Look for a book named 《大數據》(Big Data) in 讀秀 (Duxiu). If you want to read “Trend Report” at page 52, what is the feasible approach? (B. 申請圖書館文獻傳遞Request Library Document Delivery)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library homepage

(2) Click “讀秀 (Duxiu)” under Common Database on the left column

(3) Click search field as “圖書(book)” and search “大數據 (Big Data)”

(4) Only the first 30 pages are available. Click “圖書館文獻傳遞 (Request Library Document Delivery)” to submit document delivery request


4. You are looking for articles sponsored by 國家社會科學基金 (The National Social Science Fund of China) in 2019 with titles containing “人工智能 (artificial intelligence)”. How many results are there? (B. 151-200)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library homepage

(2) Click “CNKI中國知網” under Common Database on the left column

(3) Click “高級檢索Advanced Search” and input the following search conditions:  篇名Title "人工智能 (artificial intelligence)", 發表時間Publication Date: "2019/01/01 – 2019/12/31",  支持基金Sponsor: "國家社會科學基金 (The National Social Science Fund of China)"


5. How many articles published under 澳門城市大學 (City University of Macau) from 2017 to 2019 are collected in CNKI database? (C. 500-600)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Database” on library homepage

(2) Click “CNKI中國知網” under Common Database on the left column

(3) Search 澳門城市大學 (City University of Macau) under search field “單位Organization”


6. How many full-text reviews of “culture heritage” are collected in EBSCO? (A. 300-350)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library homepage

(2) Click “EBSCOhost” under Common Database on the left column

(3) Click “EBSCO Research Databases”. Click “Continue” after selecting all databases

(4) Search “culture heritage” and refine the results by selecting Full Text and Reviews as source type


7. How many articles about “data mining” published in Portuguese in 2019 can be found in EBSCO? (C. 6)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library homepage

(2) Click “EBSCOhost” under Common Database on the left column

(3) Click “EBSCO Research Databases”. Click “Continue” after selecting all databases

(4) Search “data mining” and limit the search results under the following conditions: “Publication Date: 2019”, “Language: Portuguese”


8. You want to find out who is actively publishing research on using satellites to track whales. Do a search for satellite AND whales and limit your results to 2015-2018. Which author has been most active in this area? (C. Zerbini, A.N.)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library homepage

(2) Click “Scopus” database

(3) Search “satellite AND whales” in Document Search and limit year to 2015-2018. You will find Zerbini, A.N. published 13 articles and was the most active author in these years.


9. You are looking for doctoral dissertations on hospitality management published under Walden University from 2018-2019. How many full-text dissertations can you find in ProQuest? (D. 480)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library homepage

(2) Click “ProQuest Dissertations & Theses” database

(3) Conduct a search for “hospitality and management”. Click “僅限博士論文 (doctoral dissertations only)” and “全文 (Full Text)”

(4) Refine the results by limiting publication date as “2018/01/01 – 2019/12/31”. You can find a total of 480 dissertations has been published under Walden University on 大學/機構 (University/Organization) on the left column


10. Do a search about新冠肺炎 (COVID-19 ) on Wisers. How many news articles were published on 24/03/2020 by Macau media? (B. 454)

How to search:

(1) Click “E-Databases” on library website

(2) Click “慧科新聞資訊平台(Wisers)” under Common Database on the left column

(3) Select limiters: Date: "2020/03/24", Region: "Macau" and run a search of "新冠肺炎 (COVID-19)".