
New Database on Cultural Industry (文化產業資料庫)



The database contains the latest developments, research reports, policies and regulations, statistical data, authoritative opinions of China, and cultural industry related information in foreign countries, providing information and service support for government departments, research institutions, academic groups, and investors.



It contains 9 sections, including overview, key sectors, investment and funding, markets and supervision, cultural heritage protection, international exchange, cultural industries in foreign countries, infrastructure and facilities, public cultural service.

- Overview -

Contains information of cultural industry of China, industry forecasts by experts and researchers, policies and regulation, etc.

- Key Sectors -

Provides latest news, analysis and policies relating to 9 key sectors of China's cultural industry: film and entertainment, cultural tourism, internet culture, publishing, creative design, animation, advertizing and exhibition, arts and crafts, gaming industry. 

- Investment and Funding -

Provides latest news, research and analysis about national investment and funding of cultural industry.

- Market and Supervision -

Offers latest news, analysis, research and policy regarding auction and supervision.

- Cultural Heritage Protection -

Provides recent updates on the protection and analytical information of cultural heritage

- International Exchange -

Offers news about international exchange of China's cultural industry and related analysis

- Cultural Industries in Foreign Countries -

Provides information of cultural industries worldwide, including information of all sectors in cultural industries, such as film entertainment industry, art industry and publishing industry worldwide

- Institutions  -

Provides information of cultural institutions and related facilities, such as museums, libraries, galleries, etc.

- Public Cultural Service -

Offers recent updates and analysis on public cultural service and pilot zone. 


Each province and main city has its own website and statistical data related to cultural industries and annual report can be found in this database.

- Special Website of Provinces and Cities -

There are 46 provinces and cities in total and each has a specific website that consists of latest information, research and analysis as well as policies and regulation of the province/city.

- Statistics of Cultural Industry -

Statistical database of cultural industry provides statistic data of cultural industry of 31 provinces and direct-administered municipalities from 2005 onwards.

- Annual Report of Culture and Creativity -

Publishes annual report of culture and creativity industry from 2016 to present with content including the overall development, development analysis and trends, competition analysis, investment opportunity and risk assessment.