
New Database: ScienceDirect



ScienceDirect is a leading discovery platform of peer-reviewed literature from Elsevier journals and books, including thousands of open access articles, covering fields of science, technology, and medicine.


  Available Content  

 Journals (Full-text articles from 2018-2022) ◀​

•  Business, Management and Accounting, 107 titles

•  Social Sciences,  252 titles

•  Psychology, 139 titles

•  Decision Science, 74 titles

 eBooks ◀​

•  Data Science, Business, Tourism,48 titles



  User Guide  

 Search Functions◀​

•  Using "Journals & Books" List

Click "Journals & Books" on the upper right corner 

Publicaton is listed in alpabetical order. Enter journal or book title to search and limit result by subjects, publication or access type. 


•  Quick Search

Enter keywords, author name, journal/book title, volume, issue or pages to search for articles or book chapters.


•  Advanced Search

Add keywords, year(s), author(s), author affiliation, volume(s), issue(s), page(s), ISBN/ISSN in search fields to refine the search result.


•  Refining Your Results

On the search result page, use limiters such as subscribed content, years, article type, publicatoin title, subject areas, etc to refine results 


 Download and Read Articles or Chapters ◀​ 

•  Multiple File Download

On the result page, check the box of the article/chapter to click "download articles"


•  Browse articles 

Click the title to enter article information page. You can read articles online and find other information such as author, abstract, citing articles, references, recommended articles, etc. You can also click "View PDF" on top of the page to read and download article in pdf format.