2 月












索書號:SB472 .L89 2014  (大尺寸圖書)





崔瑋主編的《國際旅遊服務貿易》的特點:一是 現實性強,目前出版的關於國際旅遊服務貿易的教材 極少,本書在一定程度上填補了這一空白;二是系統 性強,全面講授了國際旅遊服務貿易的理論、政策、 規則、產業基礎、發展現狀等;三是內容新,教材中 體現了國際旅遊服務貿易的*新發展動態,以及新 的統計資料;四是可讀性強,每一章都包含引導案例 、課後習題及實際訓練,內容的可讀性和趣味性強。

索書號:G155.A1 .C85 2015

English for hospitality & tourism

Authors:  Chen, Ying-huei., Tu, Alisa. and McCaffery, Joel.

ESP(English for Specific Purposes)系列叢書中的觀光英文是以「觀光旅遊」為出發點,針對觀光產業中可能遇到的實際情況而編寫。主題涵蓋從「找與觀光產業相關工作」到「國際旅遊」與「旅遊住宿」,各單元主題皆貼近出國旅遊、觀光時可能遇到的實際情境,設計出實用且活潑的聽、說、讀、寫教材內容。各單元皆包含了課前練習,讓學習者能較快速地了解並融入各課內容。利用模擬實況的對話讓學習者進一步認識課程內容,並根據TOEIC(多益)字彙挑選與主題相關之詞彙並撰寫例句以利學習者學習。

索書號:PE1116.R47 .C44 2011

PE1116.R47 .C44 2011 v.1

PE1116.R47 .C44 2011 v.2



出版:北京市 :北京大學出版社,2015。


索書號:G155.A1 .G865 2015





索書號:G154 .W89 2016

Handbook of tourism and quality-of-life research : enhancing the lives of tourists and residents of host communities

Editors: Uysal, Muzaffer, Perdue, Richard R. and Sirgy, M. Joseph.

Publisher: New York :Springer, [2012].

This handbook is the first state of the art reference book in the field. This handbook brings together much of the current research on the topic to help academic researchers further develop their future research programs and practitioners to use well-being performance measures to aid in their decision making

Covers much of the Quality of Life Research in relation to travellers and tourists and host communities.

Call Number: G155.A1 .H3633 2012



出版:新北市 :新文京開發出版股份有限公司,2015。


索書號:G155.A1 .W89 2015



出版:新北市 :新文京開發出版股份有限公司,2014。


索書號:G155.A1 .W89 2014

Handbook of research on innovation in tourism industries

Editors: Alsos, Gry Agnete., Eide, Dorthe. Madsen and Einar Lier.

Publisher: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, [2014].

The tourism sector – already one of the fastest growing industries in the world – is currently undergoing extensive change thanks to strong market growth and a transition to more experience-based products. The capacity for firms to innovate and adapt to market developments is crucial to their success, but research-based knowledge on innovation strategies in tourism remains scarce. This pioneering Handbook offers timely, original research on innovation within the tourism industry from a number of interdisciplinary and global perspectives .

Call Number: G155.A1 .H364 2014

Understanding tourism : a critical introduction

Authors: Hannam, Kevin. and Knox, Dan.

Publisher: Los Angeles: SAGE, 2010.

Understanding Tourism introduces tourism students to concepts drawn from critical theory, cultural studies and the social sciences. It does so with a light and readable touch, highlighting the ideas that underlie contemporary critical tourism studies in a practical and engaging way.

Specifically, the authors examine how post-structuralist thought has led to a re-imagining of power relationships and the ways in which they are central to the production and consumption of tourism experiences.

Call Number: G155.A1 .H366 2010

Guide to best practices in tourism and destination management

Author: Harrill, Rich.

Publisher: [Columbia, S.C.]: Institute for Tourism Research, University of South Carolina School of Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management, [c2005].

It’s collection of destination-only case studies is still relevant today. The case studies profile DMOs of various types, from traditional CVBs, to state and regional DMOs, describing best practices in the areas of research, funding, professional development, information dissemination, advocacy and Web marketing (which is perhaps the least relevant in this rapidly changing space.) The best practices cited provide models that can be easily adapted by organizations planning or implementing tourism growth programs for their destinations.

Call Number: G155.A1 .H368 2005



Marketing tourism destinations : a strategic planning approach

Authors: Heath, Ernie, Wall, Geoffrey

Publisher: New York :Wiley, c1992.

The global significance of tourism as an economic, environmental, and social force has never been greater. Modern methods of transportation enable growing numbers of people to travel to almost any area of the world; in the developed world, travel is now regarded as a right, rather than a privilege.

Call Number: G155.A1 .H4 1992

Tourism crises: causes, consequences and management

Author: Henderson, Joan C.

Publisher: Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, c2007.

In a world of increasing uncertainty it is vital that managers within the tourism industry are equipped with superior decision making skills and expertise necessary to deal with crisis conditions.

Tourism Crises provides an effective synthesis of crisis management and tourism research with a solid theoretical foundation. It examines the principles and practices of crisis management within the context of tourism as a multi-sector industry.

Call Number: G155.A1 .H418 2007





索書號:G155.A1 .L566 2016






索書號:G155.A1 .L566 2016






索書號:G155.A1 .L569 2017





索書號:G155.A1 .L58 2011






索書號:G155.A1 .L583 2018 c.2

G155.A1 .L583 2018





索書號:G156.5.H47 .G86 2016

Transformational tourism: tourist perspectives

Author: Reisinger, Yvette.

Publisher: Cambridge, MA :CAB International,c2013.

Transformational Tourism deals with the important issue of how travel and tourism can change human behaviour and have a positive impact on the world. The book focuses on human development in a world dominated by post-9/11 security and political challenges, economic and financial collapses, and environmental threats. It identifies various types of tourism that can transform human beings, such as educational, volunteer, survival, community-based, eco, farm, extreme, religious, spiritual, wellness, and mission tourism.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T723 2013

Tourism economics and policy

Authors: Dwyer, Larry. Dwyer, Wayne.

Publisher: Bristol, UK; Channel View Publications, c2010.

Tourism Economics and Policy combines a comprehensive treatment of economic concepts and applications in tourism contexts. The topics covered are those that most occupy the attention of tourism economists in research and policy areas internationally. Content includes tourism demand and forecasting; tourism supply and pricing; measuring tourism’s economic contribution using tourism satellite accounts; measuring the impacts and benefits of changes in tourism demand, contrasting Input-output and computable general equilibrium modelling; cost benefit analysis; economic evaluation of special events; tourism investment and infrastructure; tourism taxation; aviation and tourism issues, tourism and the environment (including climate change) and destination competitiveness. The text provides an excellent basis for students to appreciate the relevance of economic analysis to the solution of real life tourism issues as well as its importance for decision making by both destination managers and tourism operators.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T58917 2010

G155.A1 .T58917 2010 c.2

G155.A1 .T58917 2010 c.3





索書號:G155.A1 .L595 2008



出版:台北市: 桂魯,2006。

本書共分九章,包括:海岸與海洋觀光遊憩活動的概念和範疇;海岸與海洋觀光遊憩活動之經濟影響和環境議題;遊憩機會與遊憩體驗;遊憩衝突;容許量的概念;解說服務;休閒漁業;島嶼觀光發展規劃概;海岸與海洋觀光遊憩的永續發展等之介紹和討論。附錄部份將發展觀光條例、水域遊憩活動管理辦法、遊艇管理辦法、海洋污染防治法、水上摩托車活動基本管理原則及國家公園等海域活動發展方案等納入,並附上水域遊憩活動相關網站,方便讀者查閱,以臻完善。 本書是國立高雄應用科技大學觀光管理系劉修祥博士所著,對於專科、大學相關科系學生而言,這是一本值得採用的入門教科書,對於研究生及海域觀光相關從業人員來說亦是很好的專業參考書籍。

索書號:G155.A1 .L5899 2006

Compendium of tourism statistics

Author: World Tourism Organization.

Publisher: Madrid :World Tourism Organization.

Statistical information on tourism’s multiple facets is pivotal in advancing knowledge of the sector, monitoring progress, promoting results-focused management, and highlighting strategic issues for policy decisions. The Compendium provides statistical data and indicators on inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, as well as on the number and types of tourism industries, the number of employees by tourism industries, and macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism.

The Compendium of Tourism Statistics is a reference guide for the measurement and analysis of the tourism sector. Together with the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, they constitute UNWTO’s main datasets and publications on annual tourism statistics.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T5896 2001

Tourism and inequality: problems and prospects

Editors: Cole, Stroma, Morgan, Nigel.

Publisher: Wallingford, Oxfordshire; CABI, c2010. 

Providing a synthesis of tourism as a source of injustice and as a means to address inequality throughout the world, this book addresses a wide range of interrelated forms of inequality and routes towards social justice. It includes relations of class, nation, ethnicity, race, gender, disability and age to social justice initiatives such as poverty alleviation, fair trade, ethics and human rights. It is a useful resource for students of tourism and tourism management, as well as industry professionals and policy makers.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T58934862 2010

Tourism and national parks: international perspectives on development, histories and change

Editors: Frost, Warwick. and Hall, Colin Michael

Publisher: London: Routledge, 2009.

In 1872 Yellowstone was established as a National Park. The name caught the public’s imagination and by the close of the century, other National Parks had been declared, not only in the USA, but also in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Yet as it has spread, the concept has evolved and diversified. In the absence of any international controlling body, individual countries have been free to adapt the concept for their own physical, social and economic environments. Some have established national parks to protect scenery, others to protect ecosystems or wildlife. Tourism has also been a fundamental component of the national parks concept from the beginning and predates ecological justifications for national park establishment though it has been closely related to landscape conservation rationales at the outset.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T5893489 2009

Tourism and the environment : regional, economic, cultural, and policy issue

Editors: Briassoulis, Helen. and Straaten, Jan van der.

Author: Boston: Dordrecht; Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2000.

There is a complex relationship between the environment and the development of tourism, which this book discusses in a thorough and informative manner. Specialists from several disciplines pay attention to the challenges of sustainable tourism, devoting their full attention to cultural, regional and policy issues. This is a revised edition that has been expanded to 22 contributions, with inclusion of the cultural element. All chapters have been updated to include new data and information added to the existing body of literature in the last 7 years. It includes new developments and new insights into the relationship between tourism and the environment. An invaluable sequel to the first edition.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T5895 2000

Tourism and transport: issues and agenda for the new millennium

Editors: Lumsdon, Les. and Page, Stephen.

Publisher: Boston: Elsevier, 2004.

Within the tourism field, transport research specifically related to tourism remains substantially neglected despite its dynamic role in the creation of tourist movements at different geographical scales. This volume of edited essays is a seminal study which sets out to address this neglect by examining a number of conceptual and empirical issues associated with the way multidisciplinary researchers approach the study of the transport-tourism interface. This volume has contributions from geographers, planners, social psychologists, marketers, economists and sociologists. It poses a number of key questions including: what is the scope of progress in tourism and transport research in the new millennium?; what type of research has been undertaken and has it been synthesised into a body of knowledge which researchers and practitioners can access?; have researchers adopted a common agenda to addressing conceptual issues associated with the analysis of the tourism-transport interface?; and what conceptual challenges do researchers face in the analysis of tourism and transport?

Call Number: G155.A1 .T589528 2004

Tourism consumption and representation: narratives of place and self

Editors: Anderson, Alison, Meethan, Kevin. and Miles, Steven.

Publisher: Wallingford, UK; CABI Pub., c2006.

This book addresses the practices of consumption in tourism, a major theme in the sociology of tourism. To date, most tourism analysis has tended to concentrate on the production of tourist space, and assume that tourism consumption simply mirrors the intentions of the producers. By focussing on a number of relevant sub-themes, such as age, gender, religion and sexual orientation, the chapters within this book critically examine such assumptions in terms of the interplay between the production and consumption of tourist spaces, and how patterns of tourism consumption are negotiated on an individual level.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T58963 2006

Tourism SMEs, service quality, and destination competitiveness

Editors: Haven, Claire.,  Jones, Eleri.

Publisher: Wallingford, UK; CABI Pub., c2005. 

This book focuses in on the dominant role of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the tourism and hospitality industry. It explores their impact on consumer perceptions of a destination, drawing on examples of small hotels, guesthouses, cafes and restaurants. It also highlights the challenges faced by SMEs to promote destination business growth - with discussion of competitiveness, quality and standards. With its entity-relationship model of a destination, this edited collection of international papers fully explores the dynamics SMEs. Case studies from around the world also puts SMEs research into a global context.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T58978 2005

Tourism development: growth, myths, and inequalities

Editors: Burns, Peter and Novelli, Marina.

Publisher: Wallingford, UK; CABI, c2008. Cambridge, MA 

A collection of essays from scholars evaluating tourism as a means of simulating economic growth and fighting economic inequalities in poor countries. It takes a look at the successes and failures of tourism in this role, and considers why tourism as a catalyst for economic development can be a controversial device.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T59133 2008

Tourism forecasting and marketing

Editors: Song, Haiyan and Wong, Kevin Kai Fai

Publisher: New York: Routledge, c2012.

Tourism Forecasting and Marketing presents vital, up-to-date research on the latest practice and applications of tourism demand modeling and forecasting. The book addresses both econometric and time series approaches to forecasting, focusing on the concepts, model specification, data analysis, and methodologies used in day-to-day tourism planning. An international panel of practitioners and academics call on a diverse range of empirical research findings to discuss commonly used theoretical frameworks for forecasting and future directions tourism demand is likely to take.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T59185 2012





索書號: G155.A1 .T589212 2010

G155.A1 .T589212 2010 c.2





索書號:G156 .Z466 2013

The Routledge handbook of tourism and hospitality education

Editors: Dredge, Dianne., Airey, David. And
Gross, Michael J.

Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon; Routledge, 2015.

Tourism is much more than an economic sector, it is also a social, cultural, political, and environmental force that drives societal change. Understanding, responding to, and managing this change will inevitably require knowledge workers who are able to address a range of problems associated with tourism, travel, hospitality, and the increasingly complex operating environment within which they exist.

Providing a systematic guide to the current state of knowledge on tourism and hospitality education and its future direction this is essential reading for students, researchers and academics in Tourism, Hospitality, Events, Recreation and Leisure Studies.

Call Number: G155.A1 .R68 2015

Tourism management: analysis, behaviour and strategy

Editors: Martin, Drew and Woodside, Arch G.

Publisher: Wallingford, UK; CABI Pub., c2008. 

Planning and implementing successful tourism programmes requires in depth predictions of tourist behaviour. However, the actions of tourists are not always based upon conscious thinking and decision-making and therefore more realistic and practical management strategies are needed. Tourism Management provides an in-depth coverage of sense making, planning, implementing, evaluating and administering tourism marketing and management programmes. Recent advances in tourism theory and research on causal history and ecological systems are used to discuss how leisure and tourism occurs. This book offers useful descriptions, tools, and examples of tourism management decision-making.

Call Number: G155.A1 .T59232 2008