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Databases Training

Database Online Training Courses in April


 EBSCO Webinar - Open Philosophies: Open Science Tools in an Open Research Ecosystem 

About the Webinar:

With the improvement of internet and communication technologies, the global academic research ecosystem is more transparent and faster than ever. The trend toward open science emphasizes the use of digital tools, online sharing, and collaboration so that scientific research results can be shared and accessed more openly and transparently.

In this webinar, Wei Jeng, Assistant Professor in the Department of Library and Information Sciences at National Taiwan University, will discuss the development and trend of open science as well as the tools that support the sharing of research output so it can be more easily reproduced. Also, Mike MacKinnon, Director of SaaS Innovation and Vincent Lee, Head of EBSCO Asia Pacific Technical Department (EBSCO亞太區技術部門主管​) will introduce the current mainstream open science sharing tools (such as: Code Ocean,, etc.) Please join us and feel free to share this invitation with researchers at your institution.


-Chinese Session-

Time: 07 April 14:00 - 15:00

Speaker: Wei JENG (Assistant Professor at Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University), Vincent LEE (Head of EBSCO Asia Pacific Technical Department)

Registration Link:

QR Code:


-English Session-

Time: 15 April 10:00 - 11:00

Speaker: Wei JENG (Assistant Professor at Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University), Mike MacKinnon (Director of Saas Innovation at EBSCO Information Services)

Registration Link:

QR Code:



 Emerald Online Training: A Useful Guide for Novice Researchers 

Time: 08 April 16:30-18:00

Speaker: Longxun SUN

Language: Mandarin


This training session helps readers learn how to find research articles with Emerald database. It also explains the following topics in detail: "things you may not notice when choosing a journal for submission", "what is open access", "avoid falling into the trap of predatory publishing"  


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